<![CDATA[WE ARE AOK - AOK Blog]]>Sat, 15 Feb 2025 14:28:45 -0800Weebly<![CDATA[When should I call? Should I wait? How can I save?]]>Fri, 26 Jan 2018 20:02:20 GMThttp://aokpressurewashing.ca/aok-blog/when-should-i-call-should-i-wait-how-can-i-save
January came in much like a Tasmanian Devil leaving the Lion to potentially enter or exit in the months ahead - with the exception, of January into February as we are being told. With a down pour of freezing rain which came to the greater part of Ontario this week I think it’s a good a time as any to help customers or would be potential customers to understand the particulars surrounding AOK price estimates, expected times slots necessary for service, how you can save $ and when it’s a good time for you to make that call.
AOK has been known for almost 2 decades for our good old catchphrase “40cm of snow on a 24 ft. surface- weighs 12 tonnes!” Still true and quite frightening when you think about that weight sitting on top of your home.  After a significant of snowfall whether it be delivered in one blast of wintery weather or over an extended storm lasting several days- that is the ideal time to call for service which will inevitably save you money.
 How? Why? I will now explain.  It snows: you have accumulation on your roof of let’s use our factor of 40 cm and say your roof is 24 ft so you have 12 tonnes. It sits, you wait for the sun to take some away naturally. Depending on the shape of your roof, it’s components or lack there of, the buildings position around trees, continuing accumulation, etc…  this may not occur until well into spring.   Within just a week or two – you no longer have snow up there you now have ice. From down below it may look like snow it may even look like it is less in measurement- but make no mistake, it is hard crusty, condensed heavy frozen snow and you are sitting with pretty much the same weight it was to begin with immediately following the snowfall.  It is much like if you build a snow man in your yard. After a week go out and try to poke a hole in the thickest part of your snowman.   
Often mother nature can’t make up her mind much like what our region has experienced so far, this winter you end up with a condensed hard and crusty version on top of your rooftop - much of the time with solid ice growing under this by the day.  Nicer days cause snow to soften, attempt to melt then freeze with the first bout of negative temperatures.  We follow the weather carefully in all of service regions and urge everyone to take advantage of the most favorable times to have service completed on your roof.  At AOK we take into consideration many factors when assessing and pricing each individual service, each service is so very different.  We remain top of the list in our industry with unparalleled service techniques and safety procedures designed to protect our team along with your home & belongings, reasonable rates, timely and co-ordinated service mapping, there is always a greater safety risk to our team and your investment when ice is present, simply put a greater risk all around.   Services completed after a semi thaw and refreeze are more difficult to begin with, add more accumulation to that and the job just became a great deal more involved. 
The physical stress on the team, as well as the equipment, the increased service time required to get the job done all increases when you wait.  Don’t second guess yourself, waiting can and often results in increased wait times, leaks causing interior damage and all too often an Insurance nightmare of paperwork, assessments, repairs and increased premiums. 
If you think you may require service or even if you are not certain Just give a call - we are here to help.  We can help assess the situation and lay out any available options for you - always free and no obligation.    
With this info in mind and with the expected weather we are being warned of expected snowfall in the region throughout February you have the knowledge to know when it is a good time to make that call.  
Be prepared and always be safe! 

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<![CDATA[Another Winter Strikes Hard & Early for Ontario]]>Thu, 28 Dec 2017 20:13:02 GMThttp://aokpressurewashing.ca/aok-blog/another-winter-strikes-hard-early-for-ontario
It seems like each year winter makes her appearance earlier and earlier and never so gently anymore.  We accept the things here in Ontario that we cannot change, but sometimes Mother Nature still succeeds to shock us. 
We started the 2nd half of December with a quick blast of the white stuff in the region and AOK quickly bounced into gear while calls starting coming in about the dangerous weight loads already accumulating on roofs.  The accumulation was short lived for most being followed by a quick melt down to almost bare shingle once again... Then BAM! There's our white Christmas, and it looks like it's going to keep coming well into the new year- along with an extreme blast of Arctic air.  Infact, the weather network has an incredible story about the predictions of how Lake Erie may see first December freeze-up since 2000.  .
We here at AOK are ready for you, and although the beautiful white stuff creates the most picturesque scenery, provides the perfect layers for our fantastic slopes and completes the holiday spirit - remember what we always say "40cm of Snow on a 24ft surface weighs 12 tonnes" and 12 tonnes has no place on your rooftop.
Stay Safe everyone whether you are at home or during your travels, Happy Holidays, A blessed New Year and to many we will see you soon! 
snowy holidays 2017
Boxing Day 2017 in New Lowell with so much more on the way!
<![CDATA[With 40 cm of snow on a 24ft surface weighing in at 12 tonnes we at AOK, had nearly 24 tonnes of snow on our roof by Saturday afternoon.]]>Tue, 13 Dec 2016 20:58:15 GMThttp://aokpressurewashing.ca/aok-blog/with-40-cm-of-snow-on-a-24ft-surface-weighing-in-at-12-tonnes-we-at-aok-had-nearly-24-tonnes-of-snow-on-our-roof-by-saturday-afternoonAOK Dec 10 2016December 10 2016, We became our own 1st customer of the winter season.

Winter Says "I AM HERE!" in Ontario.  Some may say we were blessed with a mild short winter last year, but I guess that's a relative term.  Being Canadian means we have the opportunity to enjoy 4 glorious, colorful seasons and our winters are just a part of the package with an abundance of outdoor winter activities. 
Winter has made her first appearance and she didn't bother to knock politely at the door but rather barge right in with a vengeance. 
Here in New Lowell, Ontario we recently received a taste of what the upcoming season has in store for us all.  Hard and fast- the white stuff fell between December 8-11th slamming us with in upwards of 76+ cm, while surrounding communities as close as Angus, Stayner and Wasaga Beach follow close with an accumulation just a few cm's less. 
Honoring the Friday 7am weekly ritual, 
I passed through the seven levels of the Candy Cane forest, through the sea of swirly twirly gum drops, and finally arrived to the curb with the garbage.  Not a plow to be seen or heard, needless to say garbage day was noted later in the day to be cancelled with a double up planned for next week.   A hot cup of coffee, a little web browsing I could not  understand why there were no bus cancellations for the area.  It turned out not everyone surrounding the small village of New Lowell was hit hard and fast like we were, making our accumulation a little more localized.   The snow since has been steady, making its way across the province at a more manageable rate.  As the forecast for the season is in, it's a good idea if you don't love the snow you at least learn to accept the inevitable 'cause it's coming... and in Ontario it's coming hard. 
Be prepared, stay safe and if we all remember to pay it forward to those less fortunate and pets alike who bare the elements front and center it can be a beautiful old fashioned Canadian Winter across the country.

<![CDATA[AOK is proud to offer Hope For a better Future with our 2nd Chance Club.  We can help vandals clean up their act and Business owners clean up their property. ]]>Mon, 28 Apr 2014 07:06:39 GMThttp://aokpressurewashing.ca/aok-blog/aok-is-proud-to-offer-hope-for-a-better-future-with-our-2nd-chance-club-we-can-help-vandals-clean-up-their-act-and-business-owners-clean-up-their-propertyPicture
Has your home or commercial building been a victim of graffiti? Did You or the Police catch them in the act or fleeing  from the scene? If you would consider an alternative to proceeding with criminal charges for youth 18 and under, we may be able to help. AOK will visit with you to discuss the option of free graffiti removal, assisted by the alleged, to avoid proceeding with legal action. Thus, preventing a  child or youth obtaining a criminal record.  This can be beneficial for business owners wishing to save the deductible fee on an insurance claim.   We feel everyone makes mistakes and learning from them is what matters.  If the accused is a first time vandal in the eyes of the law, this program may be just the answer. 
If we all do our part think of the difference we can make.   Call or email us for more details.    

<![CDATA[Here We Go! AOK Services providing Roof Repairs and Installation Services are In Full Gear for Ontario Customers. ]]>Fri, 11 Apr 2014 20:02:36 GMThttp://aokpressurewashing.ca/aok-blog/here-we-go-aok-services-providing-roof-repairs-and-installation-services-are-in-full-gear-for-ontario-customersAOK Roof Repairs & Installation
With the snow and bitterly cold temperatures saying their final farewells for the 2014 season, it's full steam ahead for AOK Services and it's time to raise the roof.  

Roof repairs, installations and alterations are now a serious focus for homeowners who have
have been a victim of Mother Nature's fury and seeing the importance of upkeep to your homes roof system has never been more clear. 
We have been beyond busy all winter with emergency calls for everything weather related you couldn't even imagine.  AOK has never before seen such a season of homes with interior leaks due to ice damming, pressure cracks due to accumulation, insulation fails and rooftop components just not holding up to homeowners expectations. 
We've worked to build a trusted name in the community that customers know they can count on.  Known for our honest professional services, competitive pricing and quality workmanship guaranteed; have made us not just a name to be proud of - but a established family run business. 

Click our button below to visit our Residential Services Page and learn more about how we are there for you.  
We know how to prevent your winter time problems up top. 
No one knows your roof like AOK! 

AOK Residential Services
<![CDATA[Repairing Winter Damaged Roofs is Right Around The Corner For AOK.  Ontario's Harsh Winter Shows Home Owners Alterations in Rooftop Ventilation Is a Must Along With The Interior Restoration.  ]]>Thu, 03 Apr 2014 02:16:01 GMThttp://aokpressurewashing.ca/aok-blog/repairing-winter-damaged-roofs-is-right-around-the-corner-for-aok-ontarios-harsh-winter-shows-home-owners-alterations-in-rooftop-ventilation-is-a-must-along-with-the-interior-restorationaok repairs you
From Rooftop Snow and Ice Removal, to Pressure Washing and an Abundant list of home repair services, we leave no one behind... well, maybe the competition. 

The 2014 winter season has hit Ontario hard, and we at AOK have seen our customers through winters wreaking havoc on homes. But, I don't think any compare to this winter we are just starting to put behind us. 

Over the years we've increased our list of services to include just about everything our customers have needed to restore their damaged home into the pride and joy they once knew.  We've worked to build a trusted name in the community that customers know they can count on.  Known for our honest professional services, competitive pricing and quality workmanship guaranteed; have made us not just a name to be proud of - but a established family run business. 
We are happy to provide guidance to customers with Insurance claims, sometimes for many it just seems overwhelming. 
Our services include interior repairs, renovations and installation of fixtures, drywall, flooring and  carpeting.  We provide interior painting and carpentry services,  exterior roof repairs, installations and simple upgrades to your existing roof's ventilation system.

We are here to help.  

Our existing customers know this, but I just want to make sure that you do. 
Visit us to learn more about us www.aokpressurewashing.ca
<![CDATA[Fixing your home due to heavy ice loads and roof leaks?  When Insurance companies assign a restoration company to begin the process of drying and repairing,  they can't usually help you until the problem on your roof is dealt with.]]>Tue, 25 Mar 2014 19:45:16 GMThttp://aokpressurewashing.ca/aok-blog/fixing-your-home-due-to-heavy-ice-loads-and-roof-leaks-when-insurance-companies-assign-a-restoration-company-to-begin-the-process-of-drying-and-repairing-they-cant-usually-help-you-until-the-problem-on-your-roof-is-dealt-withdangerous snow

First you start with an average winter snowfall, followed by a little more more and then a little more.  This year in Ontario  has been absurd really.  With 40 cm of snow and ice on your rooftop weighing 12 tonnes across a 24 ft surface it doesn't take much to put your family and home in a dangerous predicament.  We at AOK have never before seen such an abundance of calls due to pressure cracks like we have this year.  Then we face a small rise in the mercury and the once thick looking snow, seems well not so thick anymore! This is the biggest misconception of all.  Condensed snow AKA Ice, is still just as heavy and much more destructive.   Our office has been taking calls day and night; too many are emergency calls (which we do not charge an extra fee to service.) Emergency calls automatically get bumped to the top of the AOK service order, but homeowners be ware.  By the time your situation has become urgent, 90% of the time some form of damage has already surfaced, up top or in the home.  You run the risk of leaks and interior destruction, roof elements are losing their strength as the components up there separate and can no long protect your home the way they were designed to.  Electrical components in homes such as light fixtures are filling up with water,  panel boxes are becoming a fire hazard as the leaking water streams in a little too close for comfort, and interior wires can start arching with dampness.  We've received hundreds of calls this year from Hydro 1 and their referrals to help homeowners deal with this.  Insurance claims for homeowners facing repairs and restoration are at an all time high this year from rooftop ice dams and pressure cracks being found in ceilings. Restoration companies assigned to these cases need o get a handle on the interior restoration in homes, but are usually held up until the problem outside and up top is dealt with. AOK has made plenty of new friends this year within the circle of Electricity, Insurance Companies and Restoration and Disaster Specialists, one thing we all have in common is we all aim to keep your home safe for your family.  We at AOK are happy to answer any questions about our services or how to get your claim started.   Visit us to learn more about us www.aokpressurewashing.ca
4 Winter Damage Home Repair Steps - Restoration Made Easy

STEP 1    Dig out your insurance policy, find out your deductible along with coverages and decide if this is the best route for your family, if so...  Call Your Insurance
to begin your claim.  Make them aware that you are working to stop the leaks and have found a reputable company to do so.  

STEP 2    Call us, at AOK Rooftop Snow & Ice Removal
to set up an appointment to clear your roof of the existing issues that are causing your home the interior damages. We never charge a fee for emergency service and service order is determined by Leak Status. 705 424-7313

STEP 3    Call
the restoration company assigned to you, let them know you are having your roof serviced and your leaks will be stopped promptly,  Some insurance companies may give you options of choosing from a small selection of their preferred Restoration companies.  I know that locally in our area, we have many that are truly pleasant to deal with.  You will undoubtedly be treated with respect and professionalism. 

STEP 4    SMILE. Now you are well on your way
to once again feeling peace of mind and restoring your home to the palace you love so much.
<![CDATA[Apparently, we Canadians don't even know cold! ]]>Mon, 24 Mar 2014 23:47:29 GMThttp://aokpressurewashing.ca/aok-blog/apparently-we-canadians-dont-even-know-coldthat's cold
It is soooo cold in some parts of Russia that milk is sold in frozen blocks instead of in liquid form. WOW! That's cold...I better stop complaining. Can't wait for spring :)

Visit us to learn more about us www.aokpressurewashing.ca

<![CDATA[Break Time, Play Time...any time but work time ]]>Mon, 24 Mar 2014 06:09:25 GMThttp://aokpressurewashing.ca/aok-blog/break-time-play-timeany-time-but-work-time
All work and no play.....well that's just unheard of around here ;)
visit us to learn more about us www.aokpressurewashing.ca
<![CDATA[This is what over 20,000 lbs of ice removed from an aluminum roof looks like! The family was very fortunate to avoid disaster before AOK got them all cleaned up!]]>Mon, 17 Mar 2014 21:33:50 GMThttp://aokpressurewashing.ca/aok-blog/this-is-what-over-20000-lbs-of-ice-removed-from-an-aluminum-roof-looks-like-the-family-was-very-fortunate-to-avoid-disaster-before-aok-got-them-all-cleaned-up
You read it correctly... This is what 11,000 kg of solid condensed ice looks like coming off of an aluminum roof!  This is just a sneak peak of these service pics. Home owners Take note- Noma moon rays still peek out of the ground, unharmed  (of course) and the wagon frozen to the ground was covered with protective shield by our team, all work is done and not even a wheel out of place. That's how it should be, and with AOK... that's how it always is :)  As we sort our pics out, many new service pics will be added to our Winter Services Page
amazing ice in Ontario
AOK Home Page
Visit our main page for more blog posts, service links and helpful tips to keep you safe this winter!